Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close-- Post 1

The book that I decided to read for this semester was Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer. Some classes read this book during Sophomore English, and after talking to some of my friends that took it, it seems like a very interesting book that I would want to read. I have been very interested on the topic of September 11 ever since it happened, and I think that this would be a great book for me to read. I have only read the first few chapters so far, and I think the book is a little bit confusing. It starts off in a young boy’s voice, talking about his father and how he misses him. In the first chapter, Oskar talks about his limo ride to the cemetery. His father died during the September 11 attacks in New York, and his family is just going to bury him at this point in the book. The next chapter begins as a letter from Oskar’s grandfather to his dead son, Oskar’s dad. This letter is a bit confusing because it talks about some obscure topics such as the difference between yes and no and how his father had each of these tattooed on his hands in order to communicate with others. With his lost voice, Oskar’s grandfather helps reflect upon the true meaning of life and shoes how he was still able to live a normal life and be a successful person without speaking. He began to verbalize things by writing them down, but I am not really sure what this is going to have to do with the book. I want to hear more about how he died and what happened that day, so hopefully that will come up soon.

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