Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close-- Final Post

Now that I have finished Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, I have very mixed emotions. While I definitely liked the book, it was absolutely not what I was expecting and it was extremely confusing throughout the entire thing. I have never read a book like this before, but there were many pages that I was extremely confused about and didn’t understand why they were in the book and what they had to do with the story. Many of the pictures, the numbers, the one word pages, and such just didn’t seem to make much sense to me, but I guess that this is just a style of writing that I am not used to. As far as the topic goes, this book did not have the concept of September 11 that I thought it would. While the book was obviously about a kid whose father died in the September 11 terrorist attacks, this wasn’t really talked about much and the book was mainly about Oskar’s journey to find the lock hat fit the key. I would have liked if the book had more to do with September 11 and what occurred on that day, but that just wasn’t the angle that Jonathan Safran Foer took when he wrote it. Overall, I definitely am happy that I read the book because while it was a sad book, it was inspirational in the fact that I could see how Oskar overcame his sadness and was able to outlet this sadness in other ways by doing things, such as searching for the key, that his father had a connection to. I enjoyed reading this book, although I was very confused throughout it, and I would recommend it to anyone who likes to read inspirational stories or wants to hear about the struggles that a young boy went through after his father died and the interesting ways in which he coped with his pain and sadness.

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