Monday, April 25, 2011


RID is an organization similar to MADD. It stands for Remove Intoxicated Drivers. RID is the oldest grassroots organization campaigning against impaired driving. They were the first to campaign for tougher laws against driving under the influence and were very successful in their efforts. Due to their campaigning, RID caused New York to establish newer and stricter laws regarding drunk driving. One of the new provisions to the New York laws was that alcohol-related offenses were unable to receive plea bargains. This meant that people charged with drunk driving could not easily get out of their punishment by making a deal with the prosecutor, therefore making harsher penalties. This change in law actually caused a different in New York as the number of alcohol-related fatalities dropped by 23% over the following 5 years, 9% higher than the national decline. Very dedicated to eliminating alcohol related accidents, RID has no paid fundraisers and all money that is raised in the local chapters is used in local initiatives. They are told not to accept donations from the alcohol beverage industry, and anyone who has a tie to this industry is unable to sit on the RID board. Currently, their new flight is to reduce the legal blood alcohol to a level that is more reasonable for people to drive with.

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