Thursday, April 28, 2011

Udall, Corker Introduce ROADS SAFE Act

This article that I read goes into more detail about the ROADS SAFE Act and explains what its purpose is. The ROADS SAFE Act was introduced by New Mexico Senator Tom Udall and Tennessee Senator Bob Corker.  The entire legislation was designed to reduce the amount of drunk driving crashes and fatalities by developing new technologies that prevent drunk drivers from starting their vehicles. The funding from this program would go to NHTSA and DADSS who would use this money to explore a variety of emerging technologies such as devices that determine a driver’s blood alcohol level by touching the steering wheel or engine start button. In addition, technology is being researched that would have sensors in a car that would passively monitor a driver’s breath or eye movements in order to determine their sobriety (or lack thereof). The entire purpose of this legislation is to eliminate drunk driving fatalities and save lives because just one drunk driving death should be unacceptable throughout our society.

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